Monday, October 19, 2009

Hello Bloggers,

Even though i have a lot of online accounts already showing my photography, i thought this site would be an interesting way to show you guys some of my favorites from my shoots. I'm hoping i will use this site as often as i think. Due to a recent viscous, revengeful and bitter attack, a person* deleted my FLICKR account in which i had photos from since the beginning when i started doing photography all deleted before my eyes. Not only was i extremely pissed off but i was also really sad to see all my work that was posted online deleted from flickr forever. I try to look at this experience as something that was destined to happen, (everything happens for reason) right? I wont let that get me down, of course i will always continue to do photography even though i might be threatened by hateful, unsupportive people out there. So anyway, here are a few recent photo's i've taken. Much much more to come, so keep checking in to see what work i produce next. Thank you!

Here are some of my other sites,

Also, become a FAN on facebook

Hannbeth Merjos





Sarah Vasquez

Sarah V


Sarah Vasquez

Nocturnal Festival

Nocturnal Festival

Nocturnal Festival

Nocturnal Festival

Nocturnal Festival

Nocturnal Festival


  1. oh wow I didn't realize you lost all of that work! Poor thing! I still have the pictures from our shoot if you ever want them :D I just don't use them coz I'm not blonde anymore hehe. I feel your pain.. well, not as significantly, because yours were all professional photos, however years ago I let some tweeker on my computer for a day, and when I got back ALL my pictures were deleted, so I only had ones that were still online.. which means I lost ALL my pictures I took throughout high school with friends because I never uploaded those

  2. ohhhh wow reallly. WTF why would he do that for?? JERK :( Yeah some crazy bitch that i took photo's of i guess got impatience with her photos being sent out to her and she decided to hack my email and my FLICKR and delete everything. What a dumb ass, really, it was only like 4 days and i guess she thought i had no life except for me to slave away on her photos.. But ya know nothing i can do about it, really pissed it happened though. At least i printed out a decent amount of photo's for my portfolio. But how have you been? Did you know they're coming out with a Super Mario Bro's for Wii? Just like the old times with the gameboy but now for Wii! Yay!! Oh and i want DJ Hero so bad!!!xoxo

  3. What a crazy girl! That's so sad :( I didn't know they were coming out with a mario brothers, that's great!! I can't waiiiiittttttttttt thanks for the info!

  4. Yeah no problem! We should chill sometime and have a Mario Party! :P
