Sunday, November 8, 2009

New Work

Hello to anyone to reads my blog!

So i haven't been shooting much lately, unfortunately :/ But i did have my first real shoot inside my new studio. Getting to learn and understand artificial light can be kind of difficult, especially for someone who is teaching themselves! But anyway, i had my good friend Sarah Vasquez come and and execute our ideas that the Makeup, Hair, Model and I had. I think it came out pretty well for it being my first studio shoot! But i'll let you be the judge of that. Although i have some knowledge of retouching, beauty shots are a whole different story! Because in the original shots nothing comes out perfect, it needs to be fixed, from lighting, skin, makeup and any other glitches that may appear in the photograph. I've seen some great retouching's of Beauty photos and either i need to hire a photoshop wizard or learn it myself! But it is pretty tricky, none the less, everything i do and try is about learning and growing. I'm really hoping to shoot with new models and try new concepts. Soon....

Sarah Vasquez









Monday, October 19, 2009

Hello Bloggers,

Even though i have a lot of online accounts already showing my photography, i thought this site would be an interesting way to show you guys some of my favorites from my shoots. I'm hoping i will use this site as often as i think. Due to a recent viscous, revengeful and bitter attack, a person* deleted my FLICKR account in which i had photos from since the beginning when i started doing photography all deleted before my eyes. Not only was i extremely pissed off but i was also really sad to see all my work that was posted online deleted from flickr forever. I try to look at this experience as something that was destined to happen, (everything happens for reason) right? I wont let that get me down, of course i will always continue to do photography even though i might be threatened by hateful, unsupportive people out there. So anyway, here are a few recent photo's i've taken. Much much more to come, so keep checking in to see what work i produce next. Thank you!

Here are some of my other sites,

Also, become a FAN on facebook

Hannbeth Merjos





Sarah Vasquez

Sarah V


Sarah Vasquez

Nocturnal Festival

Nocturnal Festival

Nocturnal Festival

Nocturnal Festival

Nocturnal Festival

Nocturnal Festival